Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Work, Ride, Eat, Sleep, Repeat...

I think it is starting to work

The heading kinda says it all, that is pretty much the theme around my house the last few weeks with an self proclaimed off day thrown in every 6 days or so. Not to say I'm losing my motivation but there have been one or two days in the last 3 weeks that I just wasn't feeling it, but I expected that to happen. One of the things that does keep my motivation up is almost every time I go on a ride I set new personal records on the same segments that I ride weekly, also I rode the same loop last Saturday that was my first official training ride in late January and beat my time by over 8 minutes which shows me all this is starting to work after all.

My body is not a wonderland

I have had a few ups and downs over the last two weeks that have made riding daily a little challenging, first of all here in Georgia spring time means a few things: Birds chirping, longer days, rain, cool one day and then warm the next and pollen. I'm talking yellowish green haze in the sky, everything you own is yellow, sore throat, sneezy pollen, not ideal riding conditions but I guess it could be worse. Also as you can imagine when you ride 20-30 miles everyday after work and then 40-60 miles both weekend days you can become a little tender on your "bottom", and by a little tender I swear I had a pine cone in my shorts last Sunday morning, but upon closer inspection I was wrong, no pine cone just an extremely sore rear end. My CMT nerve pain in my left leg has been a pretty regular occurrence the last couple of weeks, it usually starts to hurt about 15-20 minutes into the ride and sticks around for 30 minutes or so (either it goes away or I just stop noticing it, not sure which it is). I have also had several aches and pains here and there and stiff,sore legs at times but I think both of those can be attributed to TMB. (To many Birthdays)

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